2.2.1 How do I use VM with Voyager?

   VM, or Virtual Memory, is very common on PCs and Macs, but not so much
on Amigas.  Voyager would benefit greatly by virtual memory, however. 

There  are  several  virtual  memory management programs you can obtain for
your  Amiga, but VMM (available on Aminet) is a very popular one.  Although
it's  a lot slower than actual RAM, you will have the benefit of being able
to  use  Voyager  for  much  longer periods of time.  Even large JPEG files
decode  without  crashing.  If you don't trust Virtual Memory programs, you
can  set  most  of  them  up  so  only Voyager and Voyager's Image Decoding
Process will use Virtual Memory.  [answer submitted by Sebastiano Vigna]

   Sebastiano has this to say on the subject of configuring VMM:

   "If  you  want  to configure VMM in order to force it on Voyager, you'll
probably  use  the  "AddTask" option and select "V" and "V's Image Dec...".
However,  for  unknown  reason VMM just retains the first few characters of
the name of the second process.  In order to avoid this, as soon as you add
the  entry  to  the  task  list, you must select it and press return in the
relative  string  gadget.   This  way (or typing manually the name) it will
work.  I don't know, however, if this is a problem of my machine only."